July 21, 2011

Those Insufferable "Creative" Types... sheesh.

During our morning cruise through the blogo-tumblr-webisphere we stumbled on this interesting little tidbit:


To sum it up quickly,  researchers studied random college kids and concluded that people who identify as creative are considered by others as "full of themselves."  Obviously this finding, in the grand scheme of things, means little... not unlike most random silly studies reported via news magazines.  But it does give us the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be creative and to question what kinds of associations people make about creative people working in a creative industry.    

Question #1
Are we blogging this topic to make our creative snobby selves feel better about being so snobby?

oooh that's a tricky one... verrry tricky.

Question #2
Do we consider ourselves creative?

Not really.  But we do have a distinct point of view about jewelry and jewelry design.  Most of the time this point of view drives the entire design process.  During the process of designing a piece of jewelry we use common sense, experience, and innovation. When we are designing for a client, we listen.  We ask a lot of questions and we listen some more.  Then we listen.   When we design for our cases we design what we like and have found that people respond to our taste and point of view.  Every ring we make looks like a J Albrecht Ring.  If a J Albrecht Ring is not for you, well then you're just crazy.  (is this confidence or creative-type-who's-full-of-himself mentality? hmmm.)  All kidding aside, are we "full of ourselves" enough to belive that our design point of view is better than some others?  As a matter of fact, yes.  We do think that hand made, considered, thoughtful fine jewelry in a clean, modern style is better than a lot of what's out there in the world of mass produced, hollow, ultra trendy, celebrity-driven jewelry.   And are there other designers out there doing creative work?  Absolutley, and we're humbled by them.

Question #3
What makes us so confidnet about our work?

We're confident about our work because have the chops to back it up. Insert Kid Rock song here.  Seriously, though, our Goldmsith, Kenny, has 15 years on the bench.  J started in the industry at 18 and went on to mentor Hawk when he was just 18.  And Laina... well, you know... she's super duper creative
When we meet with a challenge, we figure it out.  Ask Jay and he'll tell you that good design solves problems.  He may also mention that "it's called work for a reason."  Combine 53 years experience with a workshop full of state-of-the-art technology,  and you've got a shop that can take being labeled "full of themselves" with a grain of salt.

Question  #4
Do we hang out trying to be "Cool Creative Designer People?" 

Nope. We just happen to be a family who's carved out a little corner for ourselves in the world of Custom Jewelry.  We have the extreme pleasure of helping our clients celebrate birthdays, graduations, engagements, promotions, weddings, anniversaries and births.  It's an honor when people ask us to create jewelry to commemorate lost loved ones.   We really just want to work hard, and be kind and honest with people, and raise our kids to do the same.  We've got a feeling that this applies to just about everyone, "creative" or not.